Vim 异步运行 Shell 指令的插件 – AsyncRun

自制另一个新的 Vim 8.0 专用异步插件:asyncrun.vim,它可以让你在 Vim 里面异步运行各种 Shell 指令并且把结果实时输出到 Quickfix,需要 Vim 7.4.1829 以上版本。


到插件首页 下载项目,并拷贝 asyncrun.vim 到你的 ~/.vim/plugin。或者使用 Vundle 指向 skywind3000/asyncrun.vim 来自动更新。


使用 gcc 异步编译当前文件:

:AsyncRun gcc % -o %<
:AsyncRun g++ -O3 % -o %< -lpthread 

该命令会在后台运行 gcc 并且把输出实时显示在 Quickfix 窗口,宏 % 代表当前文件名,%< 代表没有扩展名的文件名。

异步运行 make:

:AsyncRun make
:AsyncRun make -f makefile

异步调用 grep:

:AsyncRun! grep -R word . 
:AsyncRun! grep -R <cword> .

默认 :AsyncRun 运行命令后,输出添加到 Quickfix时 Quickfix 会自动滚动到最下面那一行,使用感叹号修饰符以后,可以避免 Quickfix 自动滚动。同时 <cword> 代表当前光标下面的单词。

编译 go项目:

:AsyncRun go build %:p:h

%:p:h 代表当前文件的目录

查询 man page,异步 git push ,以及把设置 F7异步编译当前文件:

:AsyncRun! man -S 3:2:1 <cword> 
:AsyncRun git push origin master
:noremap <F7> :AsyncRun gcc % -o %< <cr> 


AsyncRun – Run shell command:

:AsyncRun{!} [cmd] ...

后台运行命令并且实时输出到 quickfix 窗口,如果有感叹号修饰符,quickfix 窗口的自动滚动将会禁止。

命令参数以空格分割,接受下面这些以 ‘%‘, ‘#‘ or ‘<‘ 开头的替换宏:

%:p     - File name of current buffer with full path
%:t     - File name of current buffer without path
%:p:h   - File path of current buffer without file name
%:e     - File extension of current buffer
%:t:r   - File name of current buffer without path and extension
%       - File name relativize to current directory
%:h:.   - File path relativize to current directory
<cwd>   - Current working directory
<cword> - Current word under cursor
<cfile> - Current file name under cursor


$VIM_FILEPATH  - File name of current buffer with full path
$VIM_FILENAME  - File name of current buffer without path
$VIM_FILEDIR   - Full path of current buffer without the file name
$VIM_FILEEXT   - File extension of current buffer
$VIM_FILENOEXT - File name of current buffer without path and extension
$VIM_CWD       - Current directory
$VIM_RELDIR    - File path relativize to current directory
$VIM_RELNAME   - File name relativize to current directory 
$VIM_CWORD     - Current word under cursor
$VIM_CFILE     - Current filename under cursor
$VIM_GUI       - Is running under gui ?
$VIM_VERSION   - Value of v:version
$VIM_MODE      - Execute via 0:!, 1:makeprg, 2:system()
$VIM_COLUMNS   - How many columns in vim's screen
$VIM_LINES     - How many lines in vim's screen

AsyncStop – Stop the running job:


停止后台任务(使用 TERM信号),如果有感叹号修饰,则使用 KILL 信号结束


g:asyncrun_exit - 字符串,如果不为空那么任务结束时会被执行(VimScript)
g:asyncrun_bell - 如果非零的话,任务结束后会响铃(终端输出控制符 \a)
g:asyncrun_mode - 0:异步(需要 vim 7.4.1829) 1:同步 2:直接运行


g:asyncrun_code   - 退出码
g:asyncrun_status - 状态 'running', 'success' or 'failure'



About skywind

Putty 本无树,MinGW 亦非台
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2 Responses to Vim 异步运行 Shell 指令的插件 – AsyncRun

  1. simple says:

    不知道林伟老师有没有时间给普通的 vim 用户写个异步特性的简短介绍,让 “非专业选手” 也能玩一把? (其实怀着私心来的,看了您的 asyncrun.vim 有点头大,想直接向您取点经….)

  2. 希锐亚 says:


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